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TF Learning Registration

TF Learning Registration

A 60.00 Registration fee and payment of your 1st months tuition secures your seat at the TF Learning Center. Be sure to select the option that best suits your needs from the drop down menu.


Tuition is based on a 10 month school year and is broken down into 10 monthly installment payments.


Pricing is as follows: 


  • Two days a week/8am - 2:45pm - $240/monthly - $2400/annualy 
  • Three days a week/8am - 2:45pm - $360/monthly - $3600/annually
  • Five days a week/8am - 2:45pm - $550/Monthly - $5500/annualy
  • A one time $60 registration fee is added to your first payment. 


With this purchase you are paying for the one time $60 registration fee plus one month of enrollment. Future months will be $60 less than todays purchase. 


Tuition is automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card monthly on the 1st of each month. 


Students must be picked up by 2:45pm daily to allow adequate time to clean classrooms for our evening programs. *Late pick-up will acquire a fee of $25 daily after 1st late pick-up*


  • Return policy

    Registration and Tuition fees are NON REFUNDABLE. By paying today you understand you have applied for a spot in a class at the TF Learning Centre and agree to the terms of enrollment. Due to the limited space available because of Covid-19 regulations you agree to a ten month enrollment if your application is approved. Payments are made monthly via our automatic payment system. We understand things are changing due to covid 19 and we are here to work with you. If you are not approved you will recieve a full refund. Approval is based on total number of enrollment and class placement. 

  • Enrollment Guarantee

    Please note, all enrollment is subject to change based on placement, age and majority enrolled due to limited space. If for any reason we are unable to accommodate, your payment will be completely refunded. We will do our absolute best to accommodate all enrolled. If for any reason we can not eccept your enrollment, you will be notified within 7 days and refunded. Thank you in advance for your understanding in our effort to keep students of similar ages together.

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